

Tuesday, July 12

Finding A Way Through

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Hey, it'd been a while since the last time i updated this blog. Hahah. Well, i'm trying hard to adapt myself to the new environment  here in Kolej MARA Banting. And in my opinion, i'm doing just fine. :D

Since the first day in the middle of the geniuses, i feel kinda a lil bit stress. Can you imagine it? Being in the middle of 369 people with extremely full self esteem! Most of them speaks as English is their mother tongue. Oh, God i wish i'm not here. Believe me. You don't want to be here. Do you believe me?

Okay. Enough with the complaining and whining. None of that matters now. Back to the main topic, peeps.

The first thing you must remember about living is to set a goal. A goal that you are really want to achieve in life. For example; to be a doctor, to have a big happy family or to get the chances to study abroad.

What about me?
Well, since i was born. I want to be the eldest in my family. So, i made up a plan to kill my two big brothers and throw their dead bodies in the sea like the U.S army did to Osama bin Laden. Em. Okay that seems kinda 'mengarut'. Hahah.

Okay. Be serious [penulisjalanan]. Since i was in Standard 1. My main objective is to be far better than my Along and Angah. Both of them are my main inspiration through my life from Form 1 to Form 5. That's why i strive really hard to excel in PMR and SPM. Alhamdulillah. I do excel in both examination.

But when I first registered here. I don't have the actual reason to excel. Yeala, both of Along and Angah tak buat International Baccaulaureate (IB). I'm lost. I have no reason to be here. Camne aku nak atasi abang aku walhal dorang tak amek pun IB?

"Gelabah la kau ne, [penulisjalanan]."

Eh, suka hati aku la. Em. Finding a way around is very very very difficult if you don't have or don't find any guiding hand(s). Alhamdulillah. I found a lot of them. They are the Year 2 students here in KMB. If i'm not mistaken. On the first night of the orientation week, Airod, the President of MPP, give a talk about niat during the sharing session.

He is saying something like, "Ingat balek apa tujuan korang datang kat sini?" "Betulkan niat korang." and then he shares something like..

"Dari Amirul Mukminin Abu Hafzin, Umar ibnu Khattab RadhiyalLahuanhu katanya: aku dengar Rasulullah SAW bersabda: “Hanya segala amal dengan niat dan hanya bagi tiap-tiap seseorang apa yang ia niatkan. Maka barang siapa yang berhijrah kerana Allah dan RasulNya, maka hijrahnya kerana Allah dan RasulNya. Dan barang siapa yang berhijrah kerana dunia yang ingin diperolehinya atau kerana perempuan yang ingin dikahwininya, maka hijrahnya kepada apa yang ia berhijrah kepadanya.”

So, i'm just like. "Em. I think I somehow doesn't realise that most crucial part in my life." What is my niat for being here? For Him or for His magnificent creations?

What about you readers? What are your reasons to stay alive? Hebat soalan ne. Aku pun payah jugak nak jawab. Let us all think it through. Leave your responds in the comments below, okay? Share your thought and opinion.

Okay, the assignments are eagerly waiting for me right now. So, that's all. Bye. :)

P/S: tak sempat dowh nak update entri kat sini. haha. and tak ada gambar internet di sini agak lambat.


  1. gud luck, my fren... whreevr we r, we only have one goal, to succeed in this world and hereafter.. ^_^

  2. yepp,,gud luck ! xkre walau dimana kita berada,sentiasa ingat Allah. :)

  3. yeah, that's right! :) we must have clear vision and know what's our real intention to keep striving..well, i'd like to share something too that I quoted from Saidina Ali r.a.:

    "Kebenaran tanpa strategi akan dapat dikalahkan oleh kemungkaran yang punya strategi."

    So, kat sini memang kita nampaklah kan betapa pentingnya strategi untuk berjaya dan salah satu strategi itu ialah bermula dengan niat yang betul. Insyaallah, Allah is near and He listens to our prayer.

    So, ALL THE BEST, my friend! Tolong kirimkan "assalamualaikum" kpd sahabat kita, Afikah Aiman kat sana ya..rasanya dia sama tempat dengan kau jugak. :)

    Thanks for sharing such a meaningful post!

  4. be strong ye kawan ;)

    i prefer to keep the answer to myself.wait,i think you already know :)
