

Wednesday, May 4


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Hi there. how are you readers? well, this will be my first entry for the month of may.

Lately, there are many things brought up by the media on television. most of them are political thingy. and one of the latest issue is about sumpah laknat declared by Datuk Shazryl Eskay Abdullah. it seems as this issue is going to a whole another level. whose to blame eyh? (-.-')

Okay. enough with the political craps. let us just pray for the best.

When there is an issue or conflict. most of us tend to accused others. blaming without knowing the truth behinds it. well, it's natural to runaway from problems. we do it most of the time. but. to put a blame on another person? oh, that is just for loser. so lame.

"Boooo to the losers practicing this one not worthy method."

"Wahai orang yang beriman, jika datang kepada kamu seorang fasik membawa sesuatu berita, maka selidik (untuk menentukan) kebenarannya, supaya kamu tidak menimpakan sesuatu kaum dengan perkara tidak diingini, dengan sebab kejahilan kamu (mengenainya) sehingga menyebabkan kamu menyesali perkara yang kamu lakukan." (Surah Al-Hujurat: 6)

Eventhough we are really mad towards a person, to accuse without facts is a damn bad thing to do. no, i'm not saying about the political thingy. i am saying about us, okay.

I still remember. back then, in school, my friends play a prank on the female students. and guess what? i was accused for doing that. ape hal aku pulak kena?  macam siyot je!
Stop blaming others without any good reasons. about the lelaki Y or 'the video', just let the rightful humans solve this issue. on the other hand, we as an individual just pray for the best and let Allah do His job in judging people.


p/s: i'm not that good in politics. berita kat tv (tentang politik) tak pernah gagal membuatkan aku bosan.


  1. 1st:
    header baru~~
    oke la sikit berbanding dulu :D
    tp tetibe aku miss pulak header dulu ;p

    aku pon menyampah ngan berita2 politik sekarang..
    sebab tu aku tak tengok dah berita kat tv.. :)

  2. patut la aku tgk header ni mcm tak siap..
    lain kali jgn publish kalo x siap..

  3. ak pnah dgr ayat begini..bile ssorang dlantik jd pmimpin..

    ~skarang kamulah pemimpin kami..
    kami akn patuh pade kamu.. slame mane kamu patuh pada Allah S.W.T

  4. oh.. thanks cik violet blue.. ;]
