How are you tdaoy? i hpoe tdaoy is a gaert day for eeyrvnoe. do you konw, we all are gefitd. why do i say so? buecase we are. if not, i gsues you can not raed tihs etnry, rhigt?
The reaosn i wtire tdoay's etnry is to erunse we all konw the grteanses we hvae deep wiithn. Allah had mdae us, the msot maignfincet creitaon of His. so, we shloud be vrey gerfautl wtih it. neevr do anthiyng bad.
Alhtguoh our brian is lses tahn 2% of a peosrn's wegiht, it conmuses 20% of the bdoy's enegry. why? beucase we use our brian all the tmie. wehn we wcath tv, eat foods, or rideang tihs enrty, we are acatully exreicsing our brian thikning aoubt the uenxcepted.
(1) Darw tnihgs or doldoes. You don’t need to be an arsitt thoguh.
(2) Dnirk lots of waetr. a lot of tehm. to suplpy enoguh oxgyen to our brian.
(3) Wctah moevis form dffierrnt grenes. scuh as hororr, ronamce, codemy. neevr sitck to one gerne olny.
Oaky. tahts all for toady. thnak you. :)
memule tgk tajuk, aku ingt kau typo..
sori sbb slah paham..
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