

Wednesday, April 27


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Wahyu pertama yang diterima oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW;

Pada suatu malam, ketika baginda sedang bertafakur di Gua Hira, Malaikat Jibril mendatangi Muhammad. Jibril membangkitkannya dan menyampaikan wahyu Allah di telinganya. Baginda diminta membaca. Baginda menjawab, "Saya tidak tahu membaca". Jibril mengulangi tiga kali meminta Muhammad untuk membaca tetapi jawapan baginda tetap sama. Akhirnya, Jibril berkata:

"Bacalah dengan menyebut nama Tuhanmu yang menciptakan manusia dari segumpal darah. Bacalah, dengan nama Tuhanmu yang Amat Pemurah, yang mengajar manusia dengan perantaraan (menulis, membaca). Dia mengajarkan kepada manusia apa yang tidak diketahuinya."
Kenapa agak agak nya "bacalah" merupakan wahyu yang pertama eh?
[1] time exam kita akan selalu buat rujukan samada melalui buku atau internet untuk mencari jawapan terhadap sesuatu persoalan. BETUL?
[2] bila waktu senggang kita akan bace surat khabar untuk tahu isu semasa. BETUL?
[3] untuk mereka mereka yang seperti aku, lebih prefer blogwalking untuk mendapatkan input. BETUL?
[4] ramai orang Islam sekarang, lebih pandai membaca daripada memahami maksud ayat-ayat Al-Quran. BETUL?

Jelas di sini. walaupun ramai orang berkata, "membaca ni untuk budak nerd." ATAU "membaca ni tak seronok lah." HAKIKATNYA, semua orang suka membaca. 

Buktinya. . .
[1] lebih ramai orang suka membalas mesej daripada menelefon. lebih murah katanya.
[2] lebih ramai memilih untuk melekat di hadapan komputer untuk ber'facebooking' daripada bermain di luar. lebih selamat katanya.
[3] lebih ramai suka blogwalking daripada vlogwalking. lebih laju, tak perlu tunggu buffering katanya.

Kenapa wahyu pertama bukan "amatilah" atau ''dengarlah" atau '' ungkaplah" ?
[1] Allah Maha Mengetahui. televisyen bakal menjadi satu medium menyalurkan maklumat yang paling utama pada masa kini. TAPI. . .
[2] Allah Maha Mengetahui. ramai hambanya di masa kini, suka akan hiburan walaupun sudah jelas, hiburan itu menampilkan artis-artis yang seksi dan memaparkan adegan yang kureng menarik.
[3] Allah Maha Mengetahui. ketika akhir zaman, manusia suka upload gambar, lagu dan video porno daripada upload video dan lagu bercorak keagamaan.
[4] Allah Maha Mengetahui. akan datang, hambanya suka bergosip, memaki, dan bertengkar daripada berkongsi ilmu atau berdakwah.
[5] Allah Maha Mengetahui. sekarang, manusia lebih suka mendengar lagu lagu daripada mendengar alunan zikir dan bacaan surah. 

Buktinya. . .
[1] secara jujur. kamu, pembaca, lebih suka menonton Imam Muda (aku pun tak selalu tengok) ATAU program realiti hiburan seperti Mentor, AF, dan American Idol?
[2] secara jujur. kamu lebih prefer cakap pasal dunia ATAU akhirat?
[3] secara jujur. kamu prefer untuk download dan dengar lagu ATAU surah dalam laptop serta handphone?

Agama sepertimana yang disabdakan oleh Nabi Muhammad akan kembali terasing.
"Islam mula tersebar dalam keadaan asing dan ia akan kembali asing pula"
-Hadis Sahih Riwayat Abu Hurairah. (RUJUKAN)

Dalam entri ni, aku cuma nak tekankan. peranan manusia blogger sebagai agen dakwah islamiah. yea, aku bukan pemimpin sehebat Saidina Abu Bakar As-Siddiq. Aku jugak tak berani atau kuat macam Saidina Umar Al-Khattab. Aku jugak tak sekaya Saidina Uthman bin Affan. Aku jugak tak pandai macam Saidina Ali Karamallahuwajhah.


Aku ada hati. aku percaya kamu, pembaca, jugak ada hati untuk berdakwah. cuma takde dorongan dan terlalu merendah diri. TAK. aku bukan nak provoke mana-mana blogger. cuma ingat, di blog kita akan ada follower. dan setiap apa yang mereka baca di blog kita adalah tanggungan kita samada dosa ATAU pahala.

So, kenapa tak kita manfaatkan blog ni untuk memenuhkan akaun akhirat kita?

Nabi bersabda maksudnya: “Apabila mati seseorang insan, maka akan terputuslah segala amalannya kecuali tiga perkara, iaitu sedekah jariah, ilmu yang dimanfaatkan daripadanya dan doa anak soleh yang sentiasa mendoakannya.”
(Diriwayatkan oleh Abu Hurairah)-RUJUKAN

However, lebih baek baca Al-Quran daripada bace blog orang laen. sekarang baru aku faham kenapa wahyu yang pertama diturunkan adalah "bacalah". my opinion, bila membace, bermakna kite sedang mencari. so, carilah petunjuk jangan hanya berdoa memintanya tanpa sebarang usaha. :)

Ni semua pendapat aku, seorang manusia blogger muslim, ilham daripadaNya. kalau ada yang tersilap. sudikanlah diri kamu, pembaca, untuk komen entri ni.

sekian. :)

p/s: korang jangan ingat aku, aezudin, budak baek+alim lepas baca post ni taw. ini serius! (-.-')



Hey, camne hidop? entri kali ni aku nak tulis guna bahasa ibunda sebab banyak perkataan aku tak tahu dalam english. entri ni bukan pasal interview taw.

Hari tu, berpandukan entri ni. aku ada cakap tentang ujian kelayakan memandu. time tu aku adalah calon no 22. huish. memang jenuh aku menunggu. pukul 9 sampai pukul 1.30 baru sampai giliran aku. balek pukul 3 petang. memang banyak masa terbuang.


Dalam jangka waktu tu. semestinya aku tak biarkan masa berlalu selamba dek je. aku pergi surau. mula-mula plan nak tidor. haha. tapi tak jadi plak. aku pun bace yassiin. then, datang la sorang manusia ni.

Muka suci. pakai kopiah. plan nak tidor jugak. tapi tak jadi. aku pon sembang sembang la dengan manusia ni. seriously, ada something menarik minat aku. manusia ni belajar pondok . kira bertuah la aku pergi surau ni.

AKU: abang, ape pendapat abang tentang politik kat malaysia ni? abang suka tak politik? (aku cuba buat mesra)

DIA: saya memang tak minat politik ni tapi terpaksa berminat. sebab kata politik ni sebenarnya telah ditukar oleh orang barat. kata asal politik adalah siyasah syar’iyyah. umumnya bermaksud cara hidup. Rasulullah dulu pun berpolitik. jadi kalau kita tak suka politik memang salah la. masalah sekarang, di malaysia politik dan agama dipisahkan. ingat, kalau kita kejar dunia, akhirat akan lari. kalau kita kejar akhirat, dunia akan ikut kita.

AKU: kat Malaysia ni, orang sibuk perjuangkan bangsa.  (aku cuba tambah sikit)

DIA: tu satu lagi salah. sekarang dekat Malaysia, bangsa no1 agama no2. cuba bayangkan kita perjuangkan bangsa melayu. tapi dekat malaysia ni ade jugak cina muslim dan india muslim. lagipun, nanti bila mati. kita kena susun ikut agama. bukan ikut bangsa. betol tak?

Betul. aku setuju dengan kata-kata manusia tu. hebat hujah dia. ada banyak lagi perkara menarik yang manusia ni share. tapi mungkin dalam entri laen aku akan share lagi.

Peace out. teme kaseh. :)

p/s: macam mana cara nak jadi kan agama no 1 kat malaysia eh? aku still tertanya-tanya.

(klik SINI untuk lebih info pasal politik dalam islam)

Tuesday, April 26


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Hey, guess what? my interview fever is officially over. yeay! thanks to those who wishing me good luck and giving me advices. the interview turn out well. alhamdulillah.

I don't feel like to tell you, readers, anything that happen during the interview. because mine is totally different. unless there are requests for it.

Today, i went to the interview with my dad. we went there at 7.45 in the morning. in the car, i can feel millions of butterflies roaming in my stomach. wutta?! it just feel not right. 

So, when my dad stop by the 7eleven to buy things. i just stay in car. i think on how to get rid of this felling; nervous. then, i take my handphone and try to turn on my favourite songs. BUT. deng. my handphone is sick. it can not sing. :(

I think of a song. and sing it out loud. then, louder and louder. hey, i feel okay now. my nervousness had completely gone. but i didn't stop there. i recite a surah out loud. and feel more secure and calm.

The idea is, when you are feeling nervous, do something that you like the most. yes, my singing and surah recital are not that good. pitching semua lari. (-.-') but it's good for me. as long as the thing you do to permanently erase the nervousness is good for you + not harming any creature besides you = just do it.

"I always feel nervous when i want to do something"

To feel nervous is not bad. it is good for us. if you feel nervous. it is a sign that you are really really really want to obtain it. literally, it meants you are ready. 

Still, the best way to obtain calmness is by reciting surah and your prayer. Allah is the Most Merciful. He loves to listen to those who pray for His guidance.

That is all. until next entry. thank you for reading. :)

p/s: tadi beli ubat batok baru. harap cepat sembuh.

Monday, April 25



Okay. i was ask to join this segment from the owner of blog gula-gula hati masam. so, without further ado. here are the questions.

Nama korang beserta dengan umur, status pendidikan, url blog dan nama blog
~aezudin,18 taon,STATUS pendidikan? em. still single. hee aezudin

Sejak bila korang menceburi dunia blog dan sebab yg menyebabkan korang join dunia blog?
~aku start time form 3.tapi x serius sangat.buat sekadar suka suka.sekarang baru terjebak dengan aktif atas nama medium untuk share pendapat.

Apa pengisian di entry yg korang buat di blog korang?
~tough soalan ne. haha. em. aku isi je ape yang terlintas melalui otak aku ni. mostly, aku akan cuba bubuh elemen nasehat @ dakwah. ceit. macam bagus sangat je aku ni. :P

Kongsikan group blogger yg telah korang join dan fan page blog korang kalau korang ada.
~Blogger's malaysia + sahabat blogger + diari sahabat bloggger + topic menarik blogger di blog + video/blog addict : WriteTalkActShare 

Kongsikan perkara - perkara yg korang rasa menjadi satu perkara yg tidak wajar dilakukan dlm blog korang.. cth mcm lagu dgn autoplay ke...
~no komen.sebab semua tu cara-cara setiap individu nak expresi kan blog diorang. :)

Korang mahukan blog korang lebih............................
~ramai reader a.k.a. follower..and lagi banyak komentar dari reader sekalian.

Komuniti blogger.....................

Nasihat atau tips-tips yg ingin dikongsi dgn blogger lain..
~although kita ade hak dlm blog kita. still, kite kena terima pendapat orang laen dengan senyuman yang lebar lebar. jangan nak pangkah orang laen je

Apa yg korang mahukan dari sesuatu blog tu supaya korang akan follow mereka?
~follow ME+post comment.tapi aku xberani nk janji la,okay..

Pendapat korang tentang blog aku...
~masam dan serious menarek :D


p/s: highlight taw. jgn lupa. hehe. and hang semua mai lah join sekali. peace yaw :)


Assalamualaikum wbt

Hai. aku maseh terbatok-batok. seminggu dah berlalu tapi still tak kebah. bersyukur je la dengan apa yang ada. em. sekarang aku tengah sibuk prepare untuk interview selasa ni. that is why i aku tak update blog ne.

Aku update ne pon sebab sorang reader ni suruh aku update. so, aku tak bercadang nak tulis entri panjang-panjang. okay. here it goes. aku nak cakap pasal antara satu kesilapan jutaan manusia yang ada kat atas muka bumi ni.

All this time, kita selalu  mencari sesuatu dalam hidup kita. sesuatu yang berharga. sesuatu yang manusia biasa panggil sebagai matlamat hidup. tapi dalam pada yang sama kita tak sedar.
"Sebenarnya that 'something' is in front of our very eyes this whole time."

aku pernah mengalaminya. dan aku sure korang sebagai pembaca pun pernah.

tersebut la al kisah. aku mencari handphone kesayangan yang kehilangan. kebuntuan. time tu dekat dekat nak spm. habis semua tempat aku selongkar. termasuk lah tong sampah yang ada dalam dorm aku tu. [1] manusia yang terdesak akan buat apa saja untuk capai matlamat diorang.

(sila skrol lagi)

tak cukup dengan tu. aku selongkar jugak locker dan beg-beg dorm mate aku. sori la barang korang bersepah. haha.betapa kejam dan tingginya buruk sangka dalam diri aku ni. tapi aku tetap bangga. (-.-')
[2]manusia akan hilang kepercayaan kat orang lain bila kebuntuan.

(dan skrol lagi)

selang dua tiga hari, aku jumpa handphone yang kehilangan tu kat dalam loker aku yang agak ber'seni'. haha. alek alek aku buat senyap je la pasal barang barang member yang bersepah tu. gahaha. [3]manusia payah nak mengaku khilaf diri sendiri.

korang nak tahu tak apa aku belajar? nak tahu tak?
[4] biasanya manusia tak sedar apa yang kita cari rupa-rupanya bende tu ada depan mata kita. ibarat kuman kat seberang boleh nampak, gajah depan mata tak pulak. nilah manusia sekarang. suka melihat kesalahan orang laen tanpa menyedari kekhilafan diri sendiri.

(sila skrol lagi)

nampak tak? kadang-kadang semua ni berlaku tanpa di duga. that is why muhasabah diri is really damn important. belajar dari kesilapan. macam yang kita biasa dengar. each time sebelum tidur, koreksi diri anda. jangan risau, semua orang pernah buat salah. yang penting kita insaf dan bertaubat. aku still ingat kata-kata along aku.

"Kaseh sayang Allah tu lagi luas daripada kemarahanNya. so, bertaubat lah selagi ada kesempatan"

okay, tu je la kot aku entri aku untuk hari ni. lepas ni, pukul 9 pagi aku ada maen maen kereta lagi. insyaAllah dalam masa terdekat ni aku akan dapat lesen aku. then, doakan aku berjaya untuk interview MARA di esok hari. seriously, aku agak cuak tapi demi duit ilmu aku akan buat yang terbaek

apa? tak faham? nie la manusia, benda depan mata pon tak nampak. [5] kadang-kadang kita perlu kreatif dalam menilai sesuatu keadaan.

pendek je kan? haha. terima kaseh kerana sudi membaca my noble readers. 

p/s: sila highlight kan entri ini untuk membacanya :)

Thursday, April 21


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

At 9 am this morning i attend my 2 hours driving lesson. there were a lot of human. and i, myself was practicing to drive over the hill.

Hey,so what? just get into the topic bro.

Okay. basically, i just want to talk about THE ROAD. there are various type of roads out there;

When you are driving on a one-way road, you'll only have two choice
(a) to move accordingly OR 
(b) just simply park at the side way

But, if you thinking about driving againts it, you are wasting your priceless time. so, think first before entering this kind of road. because there exactly 'something' lies ahead. believe me.

Well, sudah terang lagi bersuluh there is only one choice offered
(a) make a u-turn laa. 
(b) (seperti di atas)

Then, try to find another way to reach your destination. or you can just go straight up ahead and encounter more unbeneficial problems. my advise, just make the u-turn, okay. 

Well, these are the two type of roads we commonly found in our life. the decision is ours. if you are deciding to drive through a 'one-way road', make sure you are determined for real. and if you meet a 'dead-end'. never lose hope. make a u-turn and try to find another way around. as adnan said, di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada highway.

So, be a wise driver. and never never never let elsebody drive yours.

[ didn't understand? read THIS :) ]

p/s: it is just a matter of time and i'll get my driving license. yeay! :D

Wednesday, April 20





[ NICE=5, OKAY LA=3,  WUTTA?!=1 ]



Okay. one of my daily activity is sign in my facebook account. since i have join a lot of group, there will be abundance of notification waiting for me everytime i sign in.

Before, (when i'm still a newbie in facebook) i thought facebook was boring because i can't see anything related with the words SOCIAL NETWORK. it just me, my wall page, my status and my pic. JUST ME.

But, as time passes by. . . . . . .
"Hey, i have 1000++  friends."
Magnificient alright. althought i don't really know who are they but still, it's marvellous. i love it (felt pathetic at the same time). BUT things just doesn't go well. ku sangka panas sampai ke petang, rupa-rupanya hujan selepas subuh.

Why are there such human feels happy to provoke, causing havoc, mocking and bullshitting others? i can't really understand why. but it's totally not cool man. it is sooo not cool. the worst part is most of them are muslim. :(

May God pour His blessing to us all.

p/s: maybe, if this issue still on the go, the word SOCIAL should be change to SO SIAL.. (-.-')

Monday, April 18



Hi, today i'm not feeling like posting a long long long entry. so, i grab a video from my friend's, mukmin, blog. entitled CHILDREN SEE, CHILDREN DO. i believe, most of my readers are no children anymore. so, try to act like an adult. a wise and responsible one.

Yes. i also believe. that most of us think, that to be an adult is...
adult=fully matured+full of responsibilities=
Hey, just take your time. there's no reason to rush yourself. learn from others' mistakes. or just learn from yours.

p/s: i've a lot of mistakes and i don't know how to fix it..any ideas? :(

Saturday, April 16



Amacam hidup? aku hari ni still demam+batok2+selesema=not bad la kan. entri sebelum ne, aku post pasal birthday mak aku. oke, aku bukan nak cerita pasal tu. tapi kan. malam tadi kata-kata mak aku sedikit mencuri tumpuan aku. mak aku cakap apa?

"Hai, ramai pulak peminat anak-anak mak wish birthday.."

What? peminat? aku mungkin ada peminat *perasan* TAPI peminat aku takde pulak yang tahu no emak aku. hahah. abang-abang aku punya kerja la ni. (along and angah jangan marah adik mu yang sedang berkarya ini..hehe). tup. tup. idea mari. :)

Aku teringat kat satu ayat ne, "bila kamu berkahwin, kamu berkahwin dengan familinya juga. ingat tu." pastu ayat ne pulak, "bangde,kalau nak ngorat anak, kena ngorat emak nya dulu." *cuba teka sapa cakap ne.. hee~

Get the idea? kirenya kalau kita betul-betul-betul serious. kena la amek tahu sikit-sikit pasal bakal mak ayah mertua kite. at least, tahu birthday nya pun oke jugak. 

Love the Creator first, than love His creation. peace out!

p/s: jangan fikir aku budak baek lepas bace post ne. *muka serious :)

Friday, April 15


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Hey, readers, today is my mom's birthday !

Bangde sayang mak!

(credit to afifah for the video)

p/s: happy BIRTHday, tapi kenapa kat malaysia orang sebut selamat hari JADI?  o.O


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

It've been a way long time since i got a fever. oh, i'm weaken. maybe i'm dead in a second. BUT wait. i still have responsibilties toward the readers.

Readers, what is fever? according to THIS link, fever refers to an elevation in body temperature. our normal body temperature is about 36 C. any elevation above 36 C, considered as fever. but, it depends on the surrounding's climate.

Do you still remember the topic about our body's immune system we learnt in form 4 (i guess) ? there are two type of immune system; artificially and naturally. today, i'll just want to share about our active naturally immune system. 

Wait a sec, okay. i'm going to take the biology reference book upstairs.
.  .  .
(going upstair) 
.  .  .
(searching for book) 
.  .  .
(rush downstair)
.  .  .
(sit properly) 
.  .  .
Oh, no can do. it seems like my younger brother already took it. it's okay. maybe, i can ask mr. google.

ME : hey, sir. can you share something about human's immune system?

MR. GOOGLE : where's your manner kid?

ME : oops.. hi. how are you today, sir? can you share something about human's immune system?

MR. GOOGLE : one at a time, kid!

ME : . . . . . . . 

MR. GOOGLE : just kidding. gahaha. okay, here's how it works. When antigens (foreign substances that invade the body) are detected, several types of cells work together to recognize them and respond. These cells trigger the B lymphocytes to produce antibodies, specialized proteins that lock onto specific antigens. Once produced, these antibodies continue to exist in a person's body, so that if the same antigen is presented to the immune system again, the antibodies are already there to do their job.

ME : z z z z z . . .

Okay. when we encounter a problem, what'll we do? face it or leave it? if we face it. it means we are facing a diificultty. and difficulty is good. it teach us to be strong. and when we are encounter by the same problem again, we are READY!

So, don't run away from your problem. face it like a gentlemen (or gentle ladies). XP


p/s: Paracetamol or antibiotic, which one taste better?  (X_x)

Thursday, April 14




Assalamualaikum to all readers. 

Most of the time, we, the human being, just never realize the gift HE gave us until it's completely gone. well, human GETS and FORGETS. . . Allah GIVES and FORGIVES (i get those words from my friend, irsyaduddin). so, let us all think about it.

Qur'an Recitation - Surah Ar-Rahman

"So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?"

Wednesday, April 13


Hai. cek dah lama tak berbahasa dalam kehidupan blog ne. rindu pulak. hari ni cek nak habaq pasal tabiat like komen orang di facebook. 
Kenapa kita perlu like?

(1)Sesungguhnya manusia yang menulis status di  facebook ne adalah tergolong di kalangan manusia yang memerlukan perhatian. normal la tu der. aku pun nak perhatian jugak. tapi toksah la hangpa nak bubuh perkara-perkara mengarut seperti "pergi mati la ko" ATAO "aku menci kau.auww." cuba hangpa semua bayangkan seketika.  . . .   . . .   . . .

Ahmad sedang melayari internet dan klik home untuk melihat status kaum kerabatnya. cik limah.
"eh, apa ne?"   klik! klik!
"cik limah..pergi mati la ko?" 

Secara logiknya manusia baca dari atas ke bawah. dan paling atas adalah nama manusia. free je hangpa semua dapat doa pelik-pelik camtu.

(2)Manusia yang menulis status ne pon tergolong di kalangan mereka yang down, sedey, dan kecewa dengan kehidupan yang depa lalui. dengan meringankan tangan kita, dan menekan 'like'. mereka akan kembali bersemangat untuk teruih hidup. TAPI hang jangan la duk like ramai-ramai. komen satu pon takda. cuba korang bayangkan . . .  . . .  . . .  . . .
Tipah menulis komen yang penuh dengan kekecewaan ~ sampai hati awak buat cek lagu ni.. :'(
kemudian, selang beberapa ketika. klik! klik!
"eh, ramai nya teman cek, like status ne. tapi komen pengubat hati takda pon. kecewa. kecewa."

So, ingat la tanggngjawab hangpa, pembaca yang disegani serta suka like status manusia lain ne. kadang-kadang mereka memerlukan lebih daripada 'like'. cuba la hangpa komen sikit. contohnya, "chill la der." bukan payah pon. 3 perkataan je. nak pendek lagi? "chill la". lagi? "chilla." pendek en.

Simpati dan empati adalah dua perkataan yang berbeza. ingat tu. peace!



Waktu zaman belajar kat sekolah dulu, cikgu akan gesa aku untuk buat rangka tulang ikan sebelum tulis karangan. and for sure lah aku tak ikut nasehat cikgu tu. tulang ikan? takde ke benda laen yang lebih artistik sebagai rangka? haha

Tapi. aku semakin dewasa. dan aku sedar pentingnya rangka tulang ikan tersebut. dalam menghasilkan rangka yang bermutu, cikgu aku cakap kena guna sorang suami dan lima isteri (1H+5W). memang agak mengarut. tapi hasilnya agak superb.

So, apa pentingnya rangka ni dalam hidup kita? jawapannya, mestilah untuk hidup yang lebih menarek. jom kita aplikasikan dalam cinta.

WHAT is cinta? - satu perasaan kurniaan Yang Maha Mencintai.
WHY cinta? - tanda menghargai dan fitrah makhluk bergelar manusia.
WHO is cinta? - cinta bukan nama manusia. (-.-')
WHEN is cinta? - aku tak tahu. tak tentu. semuanya dah ditetapkan Allah.
WHERE is cinta? - tak payah cari. sebab kita akan tahu bila dah jumpa.
HOW is cinta? - korang nak tahu apa, cara-cara bercinta or what?

Nampak menarik kan? eit, apa maksud ko tak menarik? okay la ne.

Sebelum mengarang karangan bergenre romantik. kena la tahu rangkanya dulu. so, terima kaseh kepada cikgu bm dan bi aku yang selalu suruh aku buat rangka tulang ikan. TERIMA KASEH CIKGU!

Tuesday, April 12



Each of us must have their own weaknesses. even the geniuses  have it. nobody's perfect la. as for me, i also had discover my weaknesses. but of course i'll not let you know.

*nobody even care about mine (-.-')

When i was in form 5, one of my teacher said to me, "awak jangan tunjukkan kelemahan awak dekat orang lain. contohnya, macam cikgu ni.." (eh,you just said don't tell anybody.) "cikgu ni tak reti nak guna komputer untuk lukis peta sekolah. so, cikgu lukis sendiri dan scan."

See what i meant? turn your weaknesses to be your strength. and never let anyone know your weak spot. otherwise you're dead.

Peace out. yosh!



This morning, i watch my most favourable tv programme, M H I. the hosts for today's show are the good-looking m.zul and the cute wardina. today, they share something about THE NOBEL PRIZE.
What is nobel prize? Nobel prize are the annual international awards bestowed by Scandinavian committees in recognition in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace-the Nobel Prizes. this award was established by the inventor of dynamite, Alfred Nobel.

But why does this Swedish chemist created such award? this is because...

Back then, alfred was a very well-known inventor, chemist and engineer. he had invented ballistite, cordite and the well-known dynamite. one day, his brother die.

This, one melancholy event made him apprehensive about how he would be remembered. before, Nobel'd written several wills during his lifetime. his last will specified that his fortune be used to create a series of prizes for those who confer the greatest benefit on mankind in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and Peace.

fuuh. history is really fun. hey, cut the crap will ya!

okay. from the article i'd read about this nobel prize, it shows, people want to be OR will be remember after they contribute something to the world (or at least his neighbourhood lah). yes, as the old saying goes, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama. *whoaa. i used peribahasa. merit for me.

ask yourself, "is there anything i'd done, deserved to be remember?" hey, it's not that late to achieve something. first, you must move. by moving, something will start (the words from daiki kaito a.k.a. diend from kamen rider decade). XP

peace out.

click HERE for more info about nobel prize.

Monday, April 11


assalamualaikum w.b.t.

aku harap kamu pembaca sehat seperti biasa. hari ni terasa bagai nak tulis dalam bahasa melayu. kerana apa? sebab aku berkeinginan menulis tentang satu tajuk yang agak universal di kalangan kita, iaitu cinta. bukan aku ingin jiwang tapi ingin berkongsi sesuatu yang lain daripada entri-entri aku sebelum ni.

pelik. sejak bila lah aku jadi manusia yang kisah akan perkataan tersebut. hidup memang rumit. pasti mereka yang mengenali aku akan tertawa seperti kekura kehilangan cangkerang. (-.-')

okay. kita berbalik kepada topik yang utama. cinta sesuatu yang ternyata subjektif. dan aku pernah mengalaminya tapi tak pernah sekali pun cuba mendalaminya. kerana aku percaya, berdasarkan drama dan movie yang terpaksa aku tonton, cinta akan datang sendiri. contohnya movie i'm not single, syurga cinta dan tentunya kegemaran aku, kamen rider W.

untuk entry pertama tentang cinta ini, aku hanya akan ingin memperkenalkan label terbaru blog aku iaitu "cinta". setakat ini saja buat entri kali ni. kemudian pula untuk yang selebihnya. sebagai permulaan dengarkan lagu di bawah.

Semua laguku hanya untukmu Semua rasaku hanya padamu Ku kan bersamamu selamanya Kamek sayang kitak Mena mek x bulak Kawen jak ta duak Janji mek ngn kitak Kamek sayang kitak…. Jangan risau bila rindu Sebut saja oh namaku Biarpun malam yang ribut Ku kan datang kepadamu Dengarkan kataku Dengarkanla …..

p/s: aku memang sengaja guna ayat skema..



How are you tdaoy? i hpoe tdaoy is a gaert day for eeyrvnoe. do you konw, we all are gefitd. why do i say so? buecase we are. if not, i gsues you can not raed tihs etnry, rhigt?

The reaosn i wtire tdoay's etnry is to erunse we all konw the grteanses we hvae deep wiithn. Allah had mdae us, the msot maignfincet creitaon of His. so, we shloud be vrey gerfautl wtih it. neevr do anthiyng bad.

Alhtguoh our brian is lses tahn 2% of a peosrn's wegiht, it conmuses 20% of the bdoy's enegry. why? beucase we use our brian all the tmie. wehn we wcath tv, eat foods, or rideang tihs enrty, we are acatully exreicsing our brian thikning aoubt the uenxcepted.

Hree is smoe wyas to imorpve our brian's peowr;
(1) Darw tnihgs or doldoes. You don’t need to be an arsitt thoguh.
(2) Dnirk lots of waetr. a lot of tehm. to suplpy enoguh oxgyen to our brian.
(3) Wctah moevis form dffierrnt grenes. scuh as hororr, ronamce, codemy. neevr sitck to one gerne olny.

Oaky. tahts all for toady. thnak you. :)

For mroe wyas to imorpve our brian's poewr cclik HERE and HERE.


Assalamualaikum to all readers.

Do you watch raja lawak? no? yes? em. what about nabil, the winner or RL2, i bet you know him, right? LU PIKIR LA SENDIRI. this is his tagline. do you have one?

Tagline or i call as the word of wisdom is a must have for each of us. why? because most of the time, it'll reminds us of ourselves; our goals in life, bring back our motivation and it can lift up our self-esteem.

Another example. recently, i'd been watching kamen riders. (a lil' childish right? but inspiration is everywhere. there's nothing wrong to watch cartoons or anime. haha) and everytime the heroes want to fight the bad-ugly-evil monsters, they'll say. kamen rider decade- i'm a passing by kamen rider, remember that. kamen rider W- now, let's count your sin. sound stylish right? haha. eh, what do you meant by no? okay2. forget about it. (geez. i thought everybody love kamen rider)

So, try to create one. the common use words are; living hell or well we choose, chaiyok chaiyok, ganbattedaiyo, etc etc. 

Try it out. and how about share it with me. and the other readers. nice!

Sunday, April 10


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Have you ever wonder, "do i have colour blindness?." well, down here is a test for it. give it a try and leave your comment.

<---- What colour is this?

(a) white
(b) black
<---- Now, what colour do you see?

(a) white
(b) black 

<----- What about now?

(a) white
(b) black 

I pretty sure most of you readers will answer (a)(b)(b). that's normal. because most people tends to see the negative side of a person. don't understand?

-white colour symbolises the kindness of a person. 
-black colour symbolises the badness of a person.

(if you still didn't understand leave your comment and i'll edit this entry back. thank you.)


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

What's next after receiving the spm's results and filling MILLIONS of scholarship forms? it is
Lately, most of my friends are talking about this stuff. interview this. interview that. honestly, i hate interview. it makes my stomach kind of fill with thousands of butterflies.but there's no other way around. so, by hook or by crook i must go through it.

To share with, i ask some of my friends about "THE INTERVIEW". so, down here are their's feedback.

-interviewer selalu tanya pasal yourself. 
-cerita sikit tentang yourself, background then your hobby. 
-make sure its related to the purpose of the interview. last kredit ne.

-ne soalan yang aku kena hari tu; 
kenapa pilih bidang ni? 
kenapa pilih MARA? 
kalau dapat rm1 juta nak buat apa? 
apa kaitan antara negara yang ko pilih dengan bidang yang ko pilih?

-sebelum masuk ketuk pintu. masuk bagi salam (kot). senyum. pastu, kasi sijil, resume/cv.
-mula masuk, aku tak sempat perkenalkan diri pun. dia terus tanya "do you have butterflies in your stomach?" aku terkejut tapi jawab je la.
-ne soalan aku kena soal;
sebab apa nak amek chemical engineering? 
sebab apa nak pergi oversea?

-manner dengan MARA ko pegang dua je. do not overbrag about yourself + kena nampak alim.
-pastu aku dulu dapat 3 jenis soalan; 
(a) akademik; dia tanya soalan bio 
(b) general; dia tanya pasal statistik penyakit di malaysia. how to overcome. tokoh medik malaysia. new inventions in medic. 
(c) critical thinking; kenapa pilih local (depends), kalau tak dapat tawaran ni apa ko rasa?
-laslty, kalau dia tanya "any question?" kau tanya dia balek banyak2. tu sign dia suke ko.

-cakap dalam english. cerita pasal pengalaman hidup, sijil2 tu cerita skit camne bole dapat. pastu cerita pasal cita-cita ko.
-ne soalan aku kena;
bile ko da jadi apa yang ko nak, apa sumbangan ko bole kasi? 

-time perkenalkan diri cakap aktiviti yang ko pernah buat dulu, tunjukkan kepimpinan.
-bila dia tanya "any question?" jangan cakap "no".ko tanya je apa-apa pasal program tu.
-cakap bagi jelas, make sure prepare pasal isu semasa, tahu pasal kerjaya.

-start practising urself to express ur emotions n body languange..dont nebes2..
-yes...just speak out what u want to...never say like errr,ermmmm..dont!!it willl shw ur weakness actually..just confident what u say..just thing the best thing that u want to do..owez smile to ur panels but dont be too over...
-u also have to know how to bring out ur file..mke sure bring ur file on the left hand side..n when u"re want to give it mke sure use both hand side to make it more appropiate n smile:)

Okay, these things above still doesn't enough for you to excel in the interview. the key is you must have confident in yourself and prepare for the worst.

For more info click HERE. i think it helps a lot. credit to iepa for the link. goodluck readers!

Yosh! : )


A nice song i heard yesterday's evening.

"Just remember you can do it and when you're through it will change your point of view."
"As soon as you wake up you gotta make your move, don't miss the beat just get into the groove."
"I know at first it seems implausible,but we accomplish the impossible."

Phineas And Ferb- Summer Belongs to You.. )

Friday, April 8


Assalamualaikum to all readers.

On last tuesday, i attend the driving lesson. i had a really great time. i know it sounds pathetic but it was the first time i've the chance to drive. before, i never had the opportunity to drive neither motocycle nor car. haha. yes, just keep on laughing at me. :P

After the two hours life-threatening lesson, i reached home. fuhh. i'm glad i'm still alive. i rushed to my room to perform solat asar. then, i rest on my bed. now, i know, to drive is very challenging. wrong step and hey, you are dead. 
Then, on the next day, which is wednesday, i learn on how to park the car and how to drive on a hill. it was nice except that i'd to use the 1st gear. the car moves really slow. really really really slow. huh. i think i play need for speed too much. but still. it was really really really slow. (-.-')*sigh

Now, i'm waiting for the next lesson. HEY, WAIT A MINUTE! back to the top.

Some of us maybe thinking how to live on our own life? well, first you must be the driver. it doesn't matter if you are driving a motorcycle, a trishaw, a car or any vehicles. just be the driver. you've to decide the route to your destination. but still, you need a co-driver to reach there. a plenty of advice are very useful though.

And remember. whatever route you choose, there are passengers at the back sit. so, be responsible with any of your actions. because if you get into a tragic accident, the passengers will too. "but, i want to drive alone. i don't want to hurt anybody." that is ridiculous. no one drive alone. there will always be somebody on the back sit. believe me.

Before you drive, please tighten your safety-belt. if anything do happen, you still have the chances to stay alive. so, just be the driver. don't let elsebody drive your car. otherwise, you'll get in trouble.

Peace out..

*co-driver~ is the term given to the navigator of rally car in the sport of rally racing, who sits... (click HERE to read more)

Thursday, April 7




(i got this advice back then; when i'm in form 5, by my friend, luqman ab aziz)

Tuesday, April 5


Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Today is tuesday, which means, this evening i have driving class. i wish i have a car right now. vrooom! vrooom! haha.

Okay. in this entry, i want to share a little something about my youngest brother. now, he is in standard 5 in sk indera mahkota utama. daily, in the morning he will bring a full-loaded bag to school. i mean FULL. it is too heavy. i wonder why he doesn't keep some of his text books in class. Ahaa! i guess you know why, right?
It also happen during my time in primary school. when i kept some of my belongings; text books or exercise books, in the class, surely, on the next day. ZAP! it will dissappear. huh. i hate this kind of attitude. ''borrowing'' something without permission. of course i can't accuse anyone because everyone is the suspect. well, teachers excluded.

I still remember the time when i'm in form 4. there was one day, the money of my friends were stolen. the total was about rm500 or something. for me it's a big amount. why people tends to take others belonging? maybe the word R-E-S-P-E-C-T doesn't meant anything to them.

Or maybe they think they are the robin hood. but remember this. nawaitu doesn't approve any acts. when you try to respect others, somehow you'll gain respect too.

Monday, April 4


Hai. it's me again. It's 2:55 am and i don't know why. i can't sleep.

Living room, alone,
Downstairs, 2:55 am,

4th APRIL 2011

Dear future me,
                     I hope you don't stay up late like i'm doing now. go to sleep. you'll need it for your upcoming day. okay, here is one advice for you.

                     We have five siblings and all of us are male. so, our route will be differ from our parents. whatever problems encounter your family. i meant our family. i hope you can be calm. and discuss with them in a proper manner. don't insult your brothers. 

                     Next, if any problems rises. again, be calm and gain control of yourself. don't lose you temper. your family is the most valuable asset you have. so, i think that's all for the second letter. i feel kind of sleepy right now.

                     Remember, don't stay up too late for no reason. and love your family no matter what happen. lastly, goodluck future me. thank you.

The sleepy one,
Aezu in the past.